Not Easily Broken

June 24, 2015

The world as we know it is still the same, but the people within it has changed with magnified evil that cannot be ignored. What ignorance doesn’t do is make me weak and hopeless; instead, it strengthens my faith. I am not easily broken by Satan’s attacks nor am I broken by the evil He stirs up in people.

Conversations such as racism can no longer be ignored. Babies are not born racist, it is taught at home. We attend Church, read the Bible and out of that same mouth, we both praise God and curse others.

Change comes from within – you have to want it bad enough to make a difference.

This concludes Mimi Jenkins Moment of Truth.

The rest of the world stood still as I wonder my place within it.

How could it be something so large and I stand alone to defend myself against flesh…world…Satan.

It’s not so I do it alone, but through God’s grace and mercy, I shall overcome all that try and steal my soul…I shall make the enemy my footstool.

A little taste of “Get Thee Behind Me”

This concludes Mimi Jenkins’ Moment of Truth

It’s always tough when you try to piece your life back together after a tragic incident; whether it’s losing a loved one, losing your home, financial burdens, sickness, or spiritual death.  Starting all over again takes a tremendous amount of strength, focus, obedience, trust, and in my situations, faith and constant conversations with God.

Often times, you go through life trying to be accepted by friends, family members, parents, and your spouse – hope is often lost in pleasing people.  No matter how much you try, you can’t please everyone.  I would often get the guilty stare down when I say the word, “no”.

I have also noticed, the closer I get to God, the more people will bring up the past.  I refuse to be defined by my past – the moment I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Personal Savior, the old me was put away and the new me was born.  The past does not define my future.

Each and every morning, I thank God for keeping my heart beating throughout the night and filling my lungs with oxygen.  The alarm clock didn’t wake me up, He did.

This concludes Mimi Jenkins’ Moment of Truth

Moment of Truth – Woe is Me

November 30, 2014

As humans, we are not perfect.  We have all experienced  and/or exercised things in our life we are not proud of.  We have all in some way or another hurt someone’s feelings….spoke negatively about a person….spoke out of term….cursed….swore….and some have even tried and perhaps succeeded in seeking revenge on a foe, friend, and/or loved one.  But the question you have to ask yourself is:

Was it all worth it?  Why do we do what we do without any regret or remorse?  Why do we desire to hurt someone?  Gossip?  Stretch the truth?

In my past and present experience, it’s because:

1.  We want the attention.

2.  We have not yet forgiven the person that caused harm in our lives.

3.  It’s all about us and no one else.

4.  It’s our way or no way.

5.  We are unhappy and it bothers the hell out of us to see someone else happy. (especially if they have wronged us in some way….we feel in our hearts they don’t deserve happiness – they need to suffer).

6.  We love to blame others (as if we don’t have a mind of our own).

7.  We can most definitely point out someone else’s mistake, but neglect to see our own.

These our everyday issues that we have to get a handle on.  Wishing someone drop off the face of the earth does not solve anything; in fact, it leads to a miserable life because we are so focused on others…what they are doing….how they are living….who they are sleeping with – until we lose focus on what’s really important….yep, you guessed it – “God”.

Let me ask you something.  Do you for a moment think that Jesus let other people slow Him down by criticism, negative remarks, rudeness, revenge, and gossip?  The problem is we as humans worry too much about what other people say about us (I have been guilty of this, but no longer).   We our NOT our past and we should NOT let our past circumstances ruin God’s purpose for our lives.  DO NOT go around blaming other people for your trial and tribulations (the old woe is me should no longer be a part of your vocabulary).

It someone asks you a silly question, give a silly answer (or like me, say nothing) with a smile and “Keep it Moving”

Listen, no matter what we do or say, there is ALWAYS going to be judgement and criticism.  Pray for those lost souls.  Don’t miss out on your blessings!  It doesn’t matter if you caused a situation because of your big mouth (been there done that – learned the hard way) or was a victim of someone’s big mouth – Let it go and let God…

This Conclude’s Mimi Jenkins’ Moment of Truth


As I got down on my knees to pray this morning, there was a presence that filled the room like no other.  Uncontrollable tears ran down my eyes and I kept repeating the words, “Everything is going to be alright.”  I understand God allows trials and tribulations to happen as a means for developing deeper, stronger, spiritual faith in Him.

The questions I ask myself are:

1.  Do I have a roof over my head?

2.  Do I have clean clothes to wear?

3.  Do I food to eat?

4.  Do I have clean water to drink?

5.  Do I have a job?

I answered “yes” to all of those things.  The question remains, why do I feel so sad inside?

I feel sad because:

1.  My family isn’t as close as it use to be.

2.  If I get a little chill while inside my home, I am always wondering how the people on the streets are toughing it out?

3.  If I’m making a few bucks an hour, I wondering how others are making it that lost their job and so and so forth?

I thought for a moment I was less fortunate because my husband and I are living paycheck to paycheck, but when compared to the rest of the world, we are more fortunate than most.

In essence, be thankful for the things you already have and trust God!  Oh yeah, if you see a homeless person or someone in need, don’t hesitate to help.  Who knows, you just might be helping out an Angel in disguise.

This Concludes Mimi Jenkins’ Moment of Truth.


Sometimes we can place ourselves in the wrong place at the wrong time. 

Whether or not  this was the case during my brother’s death in 1992 remains unclear,  but I strongly believe it was his  time.  God had bigger plans for him that was and still is beyond my comprehension.  My brother had turned his life around and stopped drinking weeks before he was murdered; I know God snatched him up before Satan got his devilish hands on him.  God needed my brother more than we did and is using him according to His plans and purpose.  

There is one thing I do know, my brother told me he loved me before his death….

This Concludes Mimi Jenkins’ Moment of Truth.


Moment of Truth

March 20, 2014

In my  book I’m currently writing, “Get Thee Behind Me”, I often travel back and forth in my mind how a person’s lifestyle can reflect in their dreams.  Nightmares were something I inherited as a young girl.  I say “inherited” because I was always told about strange happenings and occurrences that happened to my family members that so happened to stick with me for a while.  Was it because lives were not being lived righteously?  I have come to find out when we step out of God’s Will and think we can handle things on our own, He will bring  us back to reality.  Some of us have financial problems because of greed…some have relationship problems because of jealousy and gossip…some have nightmare because we believe man over God…and so and so forth.  Pay attention to your dreams…it may just mean you need to change so God can use you for His purpose.  My nightmares stopped the moment I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Personal Savior and I asked God to take away the generational curse.  I am not responsible for what my ancestors have done.  

Proverbs Chapter 3:5-6 Reads:

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your understanding
In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths.

This Concludes Mimi Jenkins’ Moment of Truth


Dreams: Moment of Truth

March 16, 2014

Have you ever dreamed about what life would have been like if you had only done this or that a little differently?  Don’t give up on your dreams.  It may take a little longer….a little compromising….a little funds….a lot of passion…a lot of time, but the key is:  Keep it moving. If you want to write…write!  If you want to open up a business….start visualizing!  If you want to succeed….you have to work at it!  Period.

A little Faith goes a long way.  If it is your passion and God’s purpose for your life, it will happen!

Repeat after me:  I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me! 

This Concludes Mimi Jenkins’ Moment of Truth.


Can we have the desires of our heart without consequences?  

I am quite the observer of behavior and body language.  I don’t know whether to call it a gift or a nuisance.  I am a great judge of character and can often tell you all about yourself just be observing you for a day. 

What does this have to do with desires you may ask?  Well….let me tell you.  To desire something/someone is to crave that something/someone –  you will manipulate, lie, cheat, and steal until your desire is met.  

Desires will cause your world to flip upside down and you will lose close relationships.  You and I have both witnessed how a desire can destroy a relationship, friendship and/or marriage.  When our desires interfere with God’s purpose for our life, we have to face the consequences of disobedience.  

I desire to be a writer, but I have to first be led by the Comforter so He can place in my heart what needs to communicated. If we are going to desire anything, let us desire to walk a closer walk with Jesus.  Desire only those things that are uplifting and encouraging; stay away from people and things that try to steal your joy, peace, and purpose in life.

This concludes Mimi Jenkins’ Moment of Truth

Inspiring and encouraging others to look, feel, be, and do their best.

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I started out at the age of 5 wanting to be a flight attendant, but by the ripe age of 6, I wanted to be a lawyer.  I always had a vivid imagination. In my mind, I could change careers like I changed my mind; every 10 minutes!  It was amazing how I could be both independent and successful one minute and marry a rich man the next minute.  I could conquer the world or so I thought.  What happened to those dreams as a kid?  One answer – LIFE!

I have had jobs in corporations, real estate offices, and banks, but I wasn’t progressing – in other words, I was going nowhere fast.  I tried my best at success, but failed miserably.  Why was that?  Why couldn’t I be and do the things I dreamed as a kid? Was it me?  Was I holding myself back?  Was I simply fulfilling everyone else’s expectations of me because I was the only one in the family to graduate from high school and college?  Aha—–that was it…. I was doing what others expected of me. 

If it is one thing I have learned – you cannot live your life according to the expectations of others.  

God gave each and everyone of us a gift to use according to His will and purpose.  We are not here to please people, we are here to please Him.  Period.  When we step out of His will, we fail.  He will shut doors to guide you where He needs you.  The very thing I said I would never do, guess what?  I’m doing it.  I am a caregiver and love every minute of it.  At first, I couldn’t figure out why I was placed in this position, but then it dawned on me.  God can not use me as a lawyer, flight attendant, or sitting behind a desk.  

You see, I prayed for God to send me where I am needed.  I prayed for Him to use me according to His will and purpose for my life – guess what- He did! 

So, for a while, I felt as if my degree in Business Administration was a waste because I am not using it to its full potential, but I had to realize that serving others was what Jesus did and is stilling doing – when the time comes, if I wait patiently, He will turn it into something marvelous that will benefit others, put a smile on my face, and please Him at the same time.

When I get anxious and start asking why, I Inhale and Exhale and constantly say these words, “God is in control.”

This concludes Mimi Jenkins’ Moment of Truth.

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