Moment of Truth

March 1, 2015

Being married for 25 years, I often get asked the question:

How did you manage to stay together this long?    Marriage involves compromises…a lot!  You have to give a lot and get a little.  There are going to be lots of disagreements that may lead to heated arguments, but if you are married and have never had an argument…lucky you.  You will go through trials and tribulations together and separately…this should make you stronger – if it doesn’t, don’t question it – seek help from a much Higher Authority.

Never take advice from other people, whether they are married or not…draw upon your own experience and learn to trust each other.  My husband and I have gone through a lot together, but through it all, we have managed to keep our marriage together.  Yes, people will try to manipulate, disrupt, and intervene….people will lie on you, talk about you, and will stop at nothing to make your lives a living hell.  It’s up to you.  Do you believe everything you hear?  Jump to conclusions…each other’s throats?  Do you get mad at each other and stop speaking for a couple of days?  Or, do you discuss it?  Admit you were wrong and try to mend things?

I was given bad advice….NEVER AGAIN!  You see, when you are given advice – take it – and it backfires…Do you know what you will hear from the one giving the advice?  “You didn’t have to take my advice.”  Lesson learned.

There are a lot of couples that have been married longer than my husband and me and there are some that are just starting out.  For the most part, don’t wear your feelings on your sleeves – don’t take anything too personal.

Please don’t give up too quick on each other.  As I mentioned earlier, sometimes you have to seek a Higher Power.  The idea is to be united as “one” not “two”.  Get your priorities straight by placing God first, family second, and everything else will fall in place according to God’s will and purpose for your life.

This Concludes Mimi Jenkins’ Moment of Truth


I am going to start my day off with thanking God for waking me up this morning.  I have learned a lot by listening to God, reading the Bible, and praying.  For one, I have learned biblically to be slow to get angry, slow to speak, and quick to listen.  Now, you may think it doesn’t make sense, but in actuality, it does.  I used to shoot off at the mouth all the time…listening to words of other people.  It got me in a lot of trouble.  Now, I seriously think before I open up my mouth and I do not jump to conclusions anymore.  If I am told something negative about someone, I wait a day or so before I respond; whereas, in the past, I would assume the person throwing all the negative punches knew what he/she was talking about.  That landed me in the middle of a lot of, “He said, she said,” conflicts.

It is always best to let things settle down before giving an answer.  And can I tell you that your loved ones can be the worse non-truth tellers.  Your loved ones, the ones you do the most for end up hurting you more than anyone else.  I don’t know why this is….I do not know why we have to lie in order to hurt another person…why we get mad at one person and talk bad about the other person…knowing full well that sooner or later, the person you were talking ‘bad’ about is going to get back to him or her.  It doesn’t make sense to put people against one another with lies.

Another thing I have learned; I can’t make anyone love me, read the Bible, pray, or do any other Christian thing.  I cannot force anyone to do or say anything that is not in their hearts to do so.  On the other hand, I do not think a person should do things or say things, just to satisfy another person because it makes for a miserable life.  You should do and say things simply because you want to do and say them…because it comes from the heart.

One more thing; if you have a goal in mind…if you have been called to do it….if it is your God given gift…do not, I repeat DO NOT let someone talk you out of it.  Has it ever dawned on you that maybe, just maybe that person does not want you to succeed.  They can think of a thousand and one reasons why you shouldn’t
 go for your dream job, career change, new relationship, and home purchase….anything negative to keep you from doing better.  Oh yes, I am going there…some folks like to hold you back…they like hearing you complaining about what is wrong in your life and they don’t mind giving you suggestions.  It gives them something to talk about.

Well, I have one suggestion for you.  Learn who is holding you back and who wants you to succeed.

  • Who are your friends
  • Are your friends adding to your life or sucking the life out of you
  • Do you often get encouragement from family members and/or friends
  • Are you still stuck in the same situation you were years ago
  • Are you often going to the same people for advice; telling them everything that goes on behind closed doors.  STOP

When you tell everything that goes on behind closed doors, you are giving people permission to crash your life.

This Concludes Mimi Jenkins’ Moment of Truth


My Learning Experience:

  1. Never take action right away – let it play out
  2. Never jump to conclusions
  3. Think before you speak
  4. Keep your mouth to yourself
  5. Do not believe what other people say
  6. Do not take offense easily
  7. Ignore all stupidity
  8. You only have control over yourself; no one else
  9. Do not be a chameleon (changeable person)
  10. Stand firm!

You see, the whole time, I have been listening to words of negativity against other people.  I have been lead to believe a lot of things, but in reality, I was told words to tickle my ear.  If it’s one thing that gets deep under my skin is when people promise not to do or to do and then renege.  All of a sudden they can see clearly now.  It doesn’t matter about the ones that got stepped on during this mumbo jumbo nonsense.  It doesn’t matter whose feelings were hurt in the process.  I now know that people will say and do whatever it takes to get to the thing or person they so desire to have or be with;especially the ones you hold near and dear to your heart.

A man will say, “I love you”, just for some nooky.

A woman will promise her man, “I’ll do anything”, just for money or some material artifact.

It all boils down to choices in life.  You will face some manipulative people in your life time, some family, some friends, co-workers, or significant other(s).  Learn how to decipher fiction from fact.

This concludes Mimi Jenkins Moment of Truth



November 3, 2012

Trust is an issue that can and have ruined marriages, friendships, and relationships with family.  I had a difficult time with trusting people.  I think it was because while growing up, within my environment, there was always an issue with trust.  He cheated on her, she cheated on him…to be honest, that was all I saw….mistrust…among family and friends.

Trust is something that if you don’t have, will take its toll on your relationship (s) in a huge way.  I honestly think my lack of trust was because I did not have confidence in myself.  I was insecure and didn’t think I had what it took to make it in this world.  I was so full of doubt and stayed bitter all the time, because I trusted not one person.  I would always compare myself to other women and wonder am I pretty enough, am I thin enough…you get the picture.

In Proverbs (KJV) 3:5-6 Reads the following:

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart, and lean not in unto thine own understanding. In all thy way acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

Whenever we doubt ourselves and think no one loves us, GOD does.  You can turn your mistrust into trusting by simply saying these words:

  1. I am a child of God’s
  2. I trust Him
  3. I am beautiful/handsome
  4. I am special
  5. I believe in myself
  6. I have confidence
  7. I am loved
  8. I am needed
  9. I can do all things in Christ which strengthens me
  10. I love “me”

Constantly speak something positive about yourself on a daily basis.  And, to that person  you are comparing yourself to, give him/her a compliment.  Trust me, it will make you feel a whole lot better about yourself

This Concludes Mimi Jenkins’ Moment of Truth.

The GOD in you

October 30, 2012


Staying Afloat

October 27, 2012

Staying Afloat
By Mimi Jenkins
When you think all is lost and not a moment to spare, think about those poor lost souls that have given up…given up on life because they didn’t know how to stay afloat.  Not wearing a life jacket to arm yourself against the dangers of this life can surely take your life away. ..away from your loved ones.
No one knows what you go through, but you and GOD so why not hand it over to HIM?  Why not give HIM a chance?  HE has already given you the life jacket, all you have to do is put it on.  Go ahead save your life, I dare you.  I dare you to be different.  I dare you not to be concerned about what others say about you.  I dare you to care about you.
Don’t fret none precious one, you are not the only one going through with what you are going through.  I can almost guarantee someone is hurting more than you, wanting more than you, needing more than you, seeking more than you, and crying more than you.  You are not alone.  Please stay afloat if not for yourself, do it for your loved ones.  Do it for me.
No one has ever told you they loved you?  Well, GOD loves you and I love you; that’s a start.  No one has ever held you tight.  No one has ever comforted you.  No one has ever been a true friend to you.  All that is OK.  Do not put all your trust in man alone…place it all in one basket, GOD’s basket of goodness.  HE takes care of all problems no matter how big or small.
Love yourself, take care of yourself.  Be who you were meant to be.  If you don’t stay afloat, how can GOD use you?  How can people know how good you could have been?  How could you know how good you could have been?  All is not lost my precious.  It is there for you to take.  So go ahead and grab it.  It’s yours.
Trust that you can do it.  Get yourself off the couch, out of the bed and take a long bubble bath.  Think on things that are within your grasp.  Throw away that depression medication; cancel your doctor’s appointment. There is nothing wrong with you, you are just depressed.  Get up and shake it off.  Remember GOD loves you and I love you.  That’s all you need to hear.
Go ahead, give yourself a hug from GOD, and give yourself a hug from me.  You are appreciated, you are cared for, you are precious, and you are placed on this earth for a purpose.
The life jacket will help you stay afloat.  It is your lifeline to GOD   You are never alone.  Now, take a deep breath and tell me how you feel.  Now, doesn’t it feel good to feel loved and wanted?   You don’t always need to feel and physically touch someone or something to feel the energy of love that is warming your heart. You can feel it deep down inside can’t you?
Is that a smile a see?  I think you finally got it.  Precious, in all the things you do, place the LORD first and foremost.  HE will guide you and direct your paths.  No worries alright.  You have friends.  People actually love you, just let them in.  Let GOD in.  Precious, HE has been knocking at your door way too long.  Open it up and invite him in.  Believe you me; HE will surely always keep you afloat.